The child is napping after a wonderful lunch of "carrots and peas, pasta and cheese" casserole. I am taking advantage of said napping to get the yard ready for the impending rain. I am mowing the lawn when I hear snippets of siren from a police cruiser and then a low rumble. My first thought was that Mount Rainier was having a mudflow. Then I saw motorcycle after motorcycle entering Puyallup, which soon became hundreds of them. The police cruiser was racing ahead to intersections and letting the motorcycles through. The whole dream lasted about five minutes and then the rumble and roar was gone. Then I was back in the yard behind the lawn mower again.
[I also got to use my chainsaw, which was rather fun. The neighbor behind me is a 90 year old woman who is unable to get around very well. She has a spruce tree that is too close to the chain link fence that separates our yards and it was beginning to damage the fence. With her permission I removed the tree. When I topped the tree, the weight being removed from the trunk pushed the ladder I was on back a few feet before it dropped against the tree again. That was pretty scary because I thought I was going to take a fall. But, I finished removing the trunk, cut the entire tree up, and cut out and buried as much of the stump as possible. You can no longer tell that a tree was ever there.]
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