Saturday, July 02, 2022


We celebrated the Independence Day weekend with family, food, games (kubb and cornhole), and just hanging out in the back yard with everyone. Then Giant Hand arrived.

The Nephew was talking about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and their weapons, so I went into the house and grabbed a few weapons for him to see and try out—sai, wooden sword, kali sticks. When he and I were "battling" with the kali sticks. There was a self-inflicted minor injury to his hand, followed by tears. 

I asked The Nephew if he needed a replacement hand. He insisted that he didn't, but I was already on my way to the physical Troy's Work Table for cardboard, scissors, art marker, and masking tape. Giant Hand emerged.

The Nephew wouldn't wear it, so I did. It was connected to my arm by a masking tape "watch."

Giant Hand enjoyed petting the dogs.

Giant Hand was even worn by others and was able to warm up at the fire pit later in the evening.

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