Monday, May 09, 2022


Five weeks ago, I wrote "I'm tired of garden tools with plastic pieces that break. Metal and wood! Full tang!" about a new hori hori knife I purchased. Well, that full metal tang snapped in two! Fiskars included a small notch in the design for cutting vines and gardening twine but I think it weakened the overall structure because that is where it broke. So I replaced it with a Black and Decker Steel Weeder. It's a quarter of the price, will do what I need it to do, and (hopefully) shouldn't break. I'll get a better designed (most likely of Japanese manufacture) hori hori soon.

This Steel Weeder and I spent a few hours in the backyard, and filled up half of the yard waste bin. It was supposed to rain, but it didn't.

Not only is the blade well-designed, but the overall ergonomics are excellent.

I was/am quite pleased with this tool. Highly recommended. And only $10.

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