Thursday, April 07, 2022


New artwork for worship folder covers.

Triduum. The Three Days.

"Remembrance" for Maundy Thursday.
"Rift" for Good Friday.
"Restoration" for Easter Vigil.

Montana BLACK spray paint and watercolor ink on 8" x 10" watercolor paper.

My initial concept for these three pieces was completely different. The first piece to take shape was the cross of "Restoration." Originally, the negative space was to be filled with color. Light. Brightness. But once I had the black outline of the cross surrounded by the purple, red, and blue I realized that I needed to correct course and the other two pieces were to share a similar look. The chalice came second. 

The torn curtain in the Temple was the last to appear, but was also my favorite of the three to create. I was going to paint the curtain in a more realistic manner and then tear the paper to create the rift, but, for me, this is more abstract and more powerful. I am please with the final form that it took.

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