Monday, September 06, 2021


For the past two months I've been studying Shotokan karate at the Karate Edge dojo. Over the past six years, my participation prior to joining as a student has been as a parent, supporter, and spectator of The Child's martial arts career.

Officially joining the dojo was an excellent decision.

As one of the more "mature" students it has been humbling to try and keep up with the teens and younger adults. I'm starting to be able to do some of the exercises that have eluded me recently. (Hello, sit ups!) I've already lost some of the "COVID weight" I gained over the past year of "lockdown." I'm working on my core strength and posture, which is helping counter some of the issues I have with my back. I'm enjoying trying to figure out how to perform some of the basic stances and blocks, and how to make my arms and legs move in unison.

And I'm getting to do it alongside The Child, who is years ahead of me, and has been gracious and patient with my questions and requests to perform a move or two. (We are at completely opposite ends of the spectrum of belts!)

It's been fun and enjoyable, while simultaneously challenging. And, as someone who believes in lifelong learning, it has given me something to engage and study and figure out.

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