Saturday, May 16, 2015


The Nearsighted Narwhal's signboard for LIVING WATERS: A Reading.


Friday - 5/15 7pm
Living Waters
Poetry + Prose

David Mecklenburg
Troy Kehm-Goins

Music by
Michelle LaMent


Last night was an awesome reading. It was lightly attended, but the people that were present made for a spectacular and engaged audience.


Dave and I rocked the microphone with our poetry and prose! And musician Michelle LaMent was a nice fit; she mostly focused on songs that matched the "Living Waters" theme.


My set list was:

1. “Regional Water Partnerships” (My Two Melvilles)
2. “The Age of Wonder & Progress” (Let There Be)
3. “This Is the Slow Collapse into Fire and Ice” (All the Heroes)
4. “Just Another Day in the Life of the Pagan King” (All the Heroes)
5. “Your First Glimpse of Hel Is Like a Gateway Drug” (All the Heroes)
6. “The Wolves Linger Just Outside Your Front Door, Growling” (All the Heroes)
7. “The ½ Werewolf” (NaPoWriMo #30)

1. “Fish” (NaPoWriMo #18)
2. “Black” (“director’s cut” of “Black Psalm i”)
3. “Black Psalm iii (Aquatint)” (Black Psalms)
4. “Black Psalm iv (Parkinson’s)” (Black Psalms)
5. “Selah” (Black Psalms)
6. “Midden” (NaPoWriMo #21)
7. “Octopus Sonnet” (NaPoWriMo #22)
8.  “Athene” (NaPoWriMo #23)
9. “Black Psalm xvii” (Black Psalms)

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