Saturday, April 03, 2010


Found sticker art, affixed to a newspaper box, Puyallup WA.

Read Write Poem NaPoWriMo Prompt #3 - Scared Yet?



Limpet slowly traverses her tidal pool,
feeding upon algae and other microorganic flora

until she is caught in the grip
of sea star, who crushes her shell
and sucks her visceral mass from its safety

until, in turn, the tide flows and rises
allowing octopus to enter, octopus who grasps
sea star and rends him limb from limb

until, in turn, the tide ebbs and octopus
heads back to sea, where toothed whale encounters her,
punctures her mantle with his mandible

until, in turn, the boats sail upon the sea
carrying their monkey-men on their wooden decks,
scanning the sea with their binoculars

harpoons at the ready for the darting,
lances awaiting the final, fatal surgery of the day.


It is an irrational fear, perhaps, but I fear being eaten alive. It seems the most gruesome death to me. As a carnivore on the top of the food chain, I consider myself "lucky" in the big scheme of things, because my chances of experiencing this are minimal. It is not impossible that I encounter death this way, but improbable, especially if I stay sequestered in the cities of humankind.

1 comment:

one more believer said...

to the tune of staying alive beegees... that is the first thing that came to mind... i like the process big fish, little fish... i am reminded of lobsters and how they are cooked alive and fretting with all their might to leave the boiling pot... the white whale is a good book... happy day 3.. in posse