Thursday, April 22, 2010


The title and text of "The Age of Wonder & Progress" as a wordle.

Read Write Poem NaPoWriMo Prompt #22 - A Wordle!



God sent us into this new land, this rich wilderness
ordained our establishments and colonies

God sent us forth to scramble forested hills
to ford wide rivers and winter in the wind-worn grasses

We acted upon the dominion granted us
taking of the best that the land had to offer:

dining upon passenger pigeon and the meat of bison,
converting tracts of great timber into clapboard houses

Our tendrils spread ever westward
grabbing at the land of the red man

building rails and cities upon the labor of the yellow and black men
while we shined like fierce angels of the Lord

We gathered common nouns into our vast emporium of goods
people, places, and things of the temple and marketplace

as we became dizzy with drunkenness
and ascended to the throne of God

We slaughtered God, devoured God's flesh
throwing the holy bones into the sea

where the waters turned to blood
and a great squall swept over the continent

from the Pacific to the Great Salt Lake
to the snaky Mississippi and the Atlantic

We clung to small glass cylinders
of white pepper and cardamom and saffron

trying to save these remnant spices
as our great steamworks rusted

as our sinew and strength faltered
the crows flying in ever closer, calling out our final song.


Inspired by (1) the words of the wordle prompt; and (2) Earth Day.


Create your own wordle.


Dan said...

Ummmm, bison...

Nice, thought-provoking work.

troysworktable said...

I actually saw some bison on Saturday. Perhaps another (unmentioned) inspiration. I got a couple of "classic" photographs of bison in profile.

Thank you for stopping by and reading.