The Top Foods in Federal Way would not seem a likely place to have a good selection of beer. And, it does not. Instead, it has a great selection of beer.
I visited the store a couple of weeks ago and discovered an aisle that is carefully tended by Charles. All I can say is that Charles rocks! He obviously cares very much about the beer that his section stocks. He asked me if I needed any help. I told him that I was just checking out their selection of ales because I had heard good things about them. He seemed somewhat shocked that I would drive to Federal Way to visit his beer aisle.
The next thing you know, Charles is explaining some of his beer philosophy to me. He likes to rotate his stock, and doesn't return to items too often. He has some exclusive deals with a few Pacific Northwest brewers. Some of them bottle in special sizes for the Federal Way Top Foods or give Charles "first shot" at new brews. He bottle ages some of his barley wines and other ales in the back before they even make their way to the sales floor. I was very impressed.
I don't always feel like driving to Federal Way, however, so I visited the Puyallup Top Foods. Although it is not quite as extensive in breadth or depth as the Federal Way store, the Puyallup Top Foods has a very good selection of craft beers and microbrews, as well as imported beers, especially some good Belgian ales.
The Puyallup location will primarily keep me busy in my search for great craft beer with a few trips throughout the year to Federal Way to see what Charles is up to. A joyful discovery on a whim of wandering!
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