I decided to try Duvel Belgian Golden Ale from Brouwerij Moortgat. I wish I had not. Everything I had read prior to its consumption praises it. I don't believe it to be a bad beer; it was okay. It was not to my liking, though.
The appearance was its greatest asset. It is a beautiful ale. The color was a hazy, translucent, straw yellow that glowed with light. The head was enormous, lasted for quite awhile, and left behind intricate lacing.
The aroma was heavily weighted toward banana with hints of light spiciness, citrus, and alcohol. The taste was somewhat off for me. It was rather dry, almost too dry, and reminded me of a dry white wine. I felt that the aroma was much stronger than the flavor, and was not too pleased with the way that Duvel sat in my mouth.
Perhaps the advertising machine that has made Duvel ubiquitous in beer magazines and other media has overhyped this ale. Perhaps I am a ruffian. Either way, I was disappointed.
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