Wednesday, September 14, 2022


"Joseph in Prison," paper cut and alcohol art markers on 9" x 12" YUPO Translucent watercolor paper.

My work is now using a Narrative Lectionary, only focusing upon one Bible story each week, which allows me to have a better idea of where to focus my artistic energy. (It's a four-year reading cycle instead of the three-year reading cycle of the Revised Common Lectionary.) 

I'm liking the extra focus because it allows me to explore the texts in greater detail and find connections on my own. For instance, in this story of Joseph in prison (Genesis 39), there are many echoes of his brothers selling him into slavery in Genesis 37 (to his Ishmaelite cousins!). There is a garment that is a catalyst for the action, imprisonment/enslavement, and lies about Joseph's person and what he is doing (or not).

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