Thursday, May 13, 2021


Wrigley gets a bath before visiting the vet. (Look at those "tiger stripes" formed by his wet fur and naked skin!)

We will discover that Wrigley is not fully blind, but "mostly" blind. He has one blood vessel for each of his optic nerves, so he may be able to see some shadows and shapes and outlines, especially if there is a high contrast between figure and background.

He was a "nervous wreck" according to the vet. I'm sure he remembers his time living in the rescue for a few months. No one seemed to want this blind chihuahua, which eventually worked out well for our family and household. And Wrigley!

He is wild and funny and always lives his best life. He is also an obnoxious "little" brother, who is always trying to get Banjo to play with him.

Banjo gets a bath before vising the vet. (Doesn't he look thrilled?)

He is slowly working teeth out of his mouth as he runs around like he lives in a mosh pit. The most recent tooth he lost was when he misjudged a landing as he jumped out of a recliner. 

He tolerated the vet, but was so glad to leave. When I went to pick him up I think he thought I was vet tech and he tried to nip at me, until he realized it was me.

These two guys were the biggest babies due to their vaccinations. You have never heard such yelping when I would pick them up to take them outside to go to the bathroom. We alleviated some of their injection site tenderness with canine CBD oil. They settled down for a long day of nap after nap after nap.

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