The sky is heavy with rain. The clouds are dark—shades of slate upon silver upon stone. The smell of brine is in the air.
Soon, we pursue the great white whale—Moby-Dick.
I dreamt last night of the Pequod's harpooners—Queequeg, Daggoo, Fedallah. These three were not in their respective whaling boats, however. They were all gathered in one boat together. Tashtego was not with them. I was wondering why he wasn't with them when the boat was lifted up and I sat up in bed. Good or ill, I embrace this sign as I embark upon a year-long close reading of Moby-Dick.
Today at work, I listened to the album Leviathan by heavy metal masters Mastodon. It embodies the violence and masculinity of Moby-Dick in screamed vocals, guitar, bass, and the thunder of drums (all wrapped in beautiful melodies). I listened to it again and again.
Later at work, I listened to sea shanties.
Tonight, as the child and I played with Legos, we listened to bluegrass cover versions of Aerosmith songs (by Cornbread Red). The child thought the chorus of "Sweet Emotion" was "sweet ocean." I took this as another sign.
Soon, we pursue the great white whale—Moby-Dick. I hope we survive.
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