The wife, the child, and I needed to get out of the house and into the autumnal sunshine and wander. We headed to Kent to do such in the corn mazes of the Carpinito Brothers Farms.

We wandered the Werewolf Maze, treading the same paths over and over again, finally finding all six of the landmarks for which we were searching.

After a brief break to visit the Honey Buckets and buy some caramel kettle corn, it was off to the easier Tombstone Maze.

We navigated paths carved out of row upon row of corn stalks heavily weighted with ripe ears of corn. We looked to the blue sky for answers for where to turn next and found none.

A map helped to guide us, but we found ourselves intrigued by the sense of being lost. The wife and the child were done after one trip through each maze, but I could have continued to walk through the corn, the green leaves whispering my name to me in the tender breeze. I could still be there now, walking and listening.
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