Thursday, March 01, 2007


White Hawk Original India Pale Ale by Mendocino Brewing Company

12 ounce bottle. Ugh! This IPA poured the color of melted butter, with a full, frothy, white head that stuck around for quite awhile. It smelled of grass and flowers and citrus—much more orange than grapefruit. Then I tasted it and everything changed.

The flavor was overly alcoholic, almost unpleasantly so. The finish was strongly of alcohol and it just continued. The flavor, once I recovered from the initial shock, was really three separate flavors that were competing with one another, none of them preferable over the others. The first was the harsh alcohol flavor. The second was bitter and metallic, similar to what licking a penny tastes like. The third was overly acidic grapefruit, with little orange component, which was a complete contrast to its nose. There was no good flavor on which to redeem this even a little bit.

Not recommended.

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