Tuesday, September 15, 2020


"Devil Dance," India ink on 4" x 6" watercolor postcard.

I've taken to illustrating some of the songs I've been listening to. I choose a color scheme, throw an album on the turntable, find the track I want to illustrate, and get my palette knife, brushes, and pens moving.

The above illustration for the song "Devil Dance" by Khidja, as found on the 2019 album In the Middle of the Night represents three spins through the track. The first listen I used the palette knife to lay down some "L" forms and "pulses." The second listen I used a color shaper to add colored dots to the postcard. The third listen I used a pen to add the black "figures."

India ink colors were yellow, orange, bright red, red, magenta, and black.

Nineteen minutes of music and there is birthed an interpretation of "Devil Dance."

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