Saturday, March 14, 2020


Today was a day to "make up" for all of the cancellations related to the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. The Child missed out on a karate tournament. The Child missed out on a track-and-field event. I missed out on heading over the pass to central Washington. So the two of us decided to substitute something that would get us out of the house but still keep us safely distanced from others. Disc golf it was!

I played a 68 on 18 holes, which was +14 over par. Not really all that great a score, but fun nonetheless. Plus it was nice to play among the trees, in the cold, while really fine snowflakes fell here and there.

The photo above is the dreaded (for me) hole 16 of the White River Disc Golf Course in Auburn, Washington, plus my disc sitting too close for comfort to the aforementioned White River.

I lost the first (and at the time, only) disc I ever purchased on this hole the first time I played it. When it went in the river, a seasoned player, who saw the horrible throw and lost disc, loaned me a disc, had me play a full round with him, and gave me a whole set of tips and suggestions.

The course was packed with people today. It was awesome to see so many people out having fun after such a shitty week. (With proper "social distance " between groups, of course.)

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