Saturday, January 25, 2020


I met Freckles, a female giant Pacific octopus (top), and Casper, a male giant Pacific octopus (bottom), at the Seattle Aquarium. Each octopus was mostly dormant, spending time sleeping in their shared tank (although separated by a divider), except during lunchtime. But, as often happens when I visit octopuses, each of them reached out the tips of tentacles toward where I stood watching them after a few minutes.

Additionally, we were able to go on a behind-the-scenes tour of the Aquarium. While back near holding tanks that contained octopuses that will appear during the upcoming Octopus Week, one of those octopuses came up to see me and reach out to me when I peeked at it through the dark glass of its tank. When I departed, it swam back into the darkness of the back of its tank.

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