Friday, August 24, 2018


"Let there be light!"
—God, Genesis 1:3

For the past few years, I've been using The Wife's "Mickey Mouse Club Light Up Drawing Desk," which dates from her childhood. It is old. And small (8½" x 11"). And yellowed. And is still using the original incandescent bulb. (Center of photo.)

It also doesn't do exactly what I want it to do, although I made it work for what I needed.

Today, Troy's Work Table Publishing bought a Artograph LightTracer®2. It is new. And larger (12" x 18"). And crisp, clean white. And LED. ("Frame" of photo.)

And easily 10 times brighter.

There are light pads that are brighter, but also a lot more expensive. This new light box was a good deal when considering functionality and price.

I'm ready to get to work!

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