Twelve hours ago, just as St. Patrick's Day started, I had to say farewell to my best friend.
The good thing is that I got to hold her as she died from an overdose of anesthesia, slightly prematurely and with less suffering than she would have naturally.
The last week of Abby the (Wiener) Dog's life was one that we were able to spend together, since I had a planned staycation that happened to coincide with a possible stroke and subsequent decline in Abby's health and quality of life. We spent a lot of time napping together and snuggling on the couch while I read poetry to her. She didn't eat most of the week, losing both weight and an interest in even having treats. But she still wanted to be held, so I did just that.
Once she was vomiting on a regular basis (water and bile, mostly, since she wasn't eating) and her energy was quickly waning, she and I visited the emergency vet so that she didn't have to suffer any longer.
A couple of days before she died, we took our last bike ride on the Riverwalk Trail. She sat in her trailer and spent the entire trip sniffing everything she could as she passed scents and aromas and smells for a final time. On her last day of life, she found enough energy to bark at and chase after crows that had landed in her backyard. She was feisty to the end. She will be greatly missed.
Fare thee well, little Fenris Wolf. Until we meet again...
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