Monday, March 20, 2017


"Moby Dick" by Troy's Work Table.

Sidewalk chalk wash, sidewalk chalk, chalk pastels, and charcoal pencil on 12" x 12" concrete board.


"'Pale mast, so long!' I say, as I drown, mad..." —from "Moby Dick" by Anthony Etherin


This poem is Oulipo on steroids.


There are multiple constraints.

First, it is a sonnet, which means fourteen line of ten syllables in each line. Second, it is a Petrarchan sonnet, which means that its rhyme scheme is a b b a a b b a c d c d c d. Third, it is a palindrome. Fourth, it manages amidst all of that to convey the narrative thread of Melville's Moby-Dick.


Let's return to the fact that the poem is a palindrome. Not only is it bound by number of lines and syllables and end rhymes, but it does it all with the second set of seven lines being a mirror image of the first set of seven lines!

I don't even think like this. The poem is amazing to me.


And then the poem ends as the novel, with the crew dead because of the madness of the captain, the ship sunk and all (but one) drowned.


The chalk art is inspired by Polynesian death masks, in addition to the lines of the poem.

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