Friday, July 10, 2015


"Deep Dream" by Troy's Work Table. Chalk art for Friday 10 July 2015 at Frost Park.


Google artificial intelligence is "deep dreaming" our images in its neural network, producing new from the old.

I did the same, by "deep dreaming" one of the Google AI's images and likewise made it my own.


And then the chalk happened.


It appears the Mother Octopus must still be bouncing around inside me somewhere, especially since the Google AI seems to favor the canine in its "dreams" while I seem to favor the cephalopodic.


I describe the particular Google "deep dream" I used for my dream-source as Edvard Munch meets H. P. Lovecraft on the dance floor.

Mine, for me, feels like Queequeg meets Mother Octopus in the cosmic bath.


View more pictures of "Deep Dream" HERE.

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