Detail of "My Two Melvilles" by Troy's Work Table. Carport chalking for Friday 30 January 2015.
Green Melville on the left and Purple Herman on the right.
I decided to commission a piece of chalk art for myself. I sketched out the cover photo for a new edition of my My Two Melvilles chapbook. Two "classic" photographs of Melville and chapter four of Moby-Dick ("The Counterpane") provided the basis for the chalking.
View more pictures of "My Two Melvilles" HERE.
Cover artwork! Am curious of course if this is going to be spread across the font and back or not. But it really plays up the duality of Melville's work and yours until, in an infinite regression of dualities I am quite lost in the Customs House.
The cover photo will only be on the front. I am preparing glossy 4x4s for the front, allowing the color of the cover to frame the photo. Then a belly band below the photo with the title.
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