Sunday, March 13, 2011


I am exhausted by people saying that everything they watch on television seems like a dream. That tsunami happened. You can see the cars and houses and buildings being swallowed by the raging waters of the sea. It's real!

You don't live in The Matrix. This isn't Inception. James Cameron isn't directing your life. If you keep comparing natural disasters that you view on your television to blockbuster films, then I question your imagination. That means it's time to turn off your screens, all of them—TV, computer, tablet, smartphone.

Go for a walk. Visit a museum or the library or your city park. Order a coffee or a hot chocolate and hang out in the coffee shop until you finish drinking it. Ride your bike. Chat with your neighbors. But, for the love of God, quit complaining about how unreal everything around you seems.


TommytheGeezer said...
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TommytheGeezer said...

I had the same thoughts yesterday as I heard the word "surreal" used often by Americans as they describe their experiences during the earthquake.

David said...

I am glad I was reading The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle during all of this for reasons you have eloquently described.