Autobiography of Red by Anne Carson
Autobiography of Red is a strange book.
It's a series of interrelated poems masquerading as a novel. Or vice versa.
It's a coming-of-age tale of a young monster.
It's filled with pain and longing and angst. Yet it's also hope-filled.
Autobiography of Red is an enjoyable book.
It's a play on the tale of Herakles (often better known as Hercules) slaying the ruddy monster Geryon. Instead, Geryon lusts after Herakles, who mistreats him. Herakles does "kill" Geryon, but it is on an emotional level.
It's my favorite book of poetry.
It's smart and funny and sad, just like life can be at its most robust.
Anne Carson is an intelligent writer who doesn't condescend to her readers.
She's accessible even as she expects you to keep up with her.
She's smart and crazy and necessary, in the same way that Eliot and Joyce are.
She's academic in background, mixing the classics of Greek literature and an enormous (and enormously informed) vocabulary with popular culture touchstones.
Her eye is exacting and detail-oriented and forgiving.
This book sings.
You need to read it.
Your brother and sister need to read it.
Your next door neighbor and your butcher and your barber and your favorite convenience store clerk need to read it.
File under:
*The Human Condition
Hmmm. Sounds like I especially need to read it. I remember seeing this book, but somehow mistook another blurb for its contents?
I think you would find great pleasure in this book. It's a good mix of the mythical and the personal.
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