Hole #10 - these stickers really were everywhere. I played this hole nicely, which gave me good position for the basket. Unfortunately, I overshot it by twenty feet, but recovered on the putt. Three throws total.

Hole #11 - the view from halfway down the fairway. It is mandatory that the trees in the center middle must be passed on the left. This is known as a mando. To not pass them on the correct side results in penalty strokes. I struggled getting around them and into a good position. Four throws total.

Hole #12 - the view from the tee. My Mirus driver curved nicely to the right on a sidearm throw from the tee. Three throws total.

Hole #13 - the view from where my first throw landed. I am about halfway between tee and basket.

Hole #13 - the view from where my second throw landed.

Hole #13 - getting ready to throw a thumber for number three. It will land twenty feet from the basket and I will putt it in for a nice recovery. Four throws total.

Hole #14 - the view from the tee. I played this hole the best that I ever have—a good straight drive, strong approach, putt it in. Three throws total.

Hole #15 - the view from the tee. My initial throw went straight down the fairway, but hit a small mound and skipped twenty feet to the left. Three throws total.

Hole #16 - the view from the tee. I had my best initial drive on this hole, which skirts the river. I struggled with some trees on throws that followed. Five throws total.

Hole #17 - the view from the tee. I threw my Valkyrie 150 gram driver too far to the left, but the farthest I have ever thrown it on any hole. Three throws total.

Hole #18 - the view from the tee. This was another hole where my disc went too far to the left on my initial drive, but farther than I usually throw. Three throws total.
Hole 1 - 3
Hole 2 - 4
Hole 3 - 3
Hole 4 - 4
Hole 5 - 3
Hole 6 - 3
Hole 7 - 5
Hole 8 - 3
Hole 9 - 3
Front nine - 31 (+4)
Total - 62 (+8)
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