Dear Reader:
Where am I? Why am I not posting? Why does something smell fishy?
The answer to all three questions is: Les sardines, baby. My summer writing workshop has transformed into a writing group named Les sardines. Currently, there are seven of us meeting in Seattle twice per month to provide feedback, accountability, and support for one another as we write. Therefore, I am writing, reading, researching, reading, reading, and writing some more.
Why Les sardines? Why not? I didn't come up with the name, but I absolutely gave it my rubber stamp of approval. I like the strangeness and surreality and mystery surrounding the name. I like the semi-anonymity that it affords. I like the potential imagery.
Now, I need to find out what kind of beer goes well with small (sometimes salted) fish...
Good luck with your writing group! Just don't get too smelly eating all those little fish. :)
I hope I don't really have to eat the sardines. I just want the beer that would accompany them!
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