Monday, July 07, 2008


The wife, the child, and I wandered down to the Thea Foss waterfront in Tacoma to gaze upon some tall ships. We did. We walked and we marveled upon the maritime beauties. We stared at pirate pretenders. We distinguished our mainmasts from our mizzenmasts. We learned what baggywrinkle is and what it is used for. We boarded the US Coast Guard Barque Eagle and wandered its decks.

Ah, the sea. It is something that Troy's Work Table would best read about, rather than experience from the deck of a ship. The thought of losing one's "land legs" and the accompanying seasickness, keeps Troy's Work Table grounded on terra firma. Let the sailors sail, and let my feet wander solid earth.


You can view more pictures of Tall Ships at the troysworktable Flickr page.


Kimberlee said...

Great pictures. We went to see the ships and I swear I have an almost identical picture of the Bounty. :) I was disappointed because the sails were rolled up tight the whole time we were wandering around, so my pics aren't quite as impressive as yours.

troysworktable said...

TWT just happened to be in the right place at the right time for pictures of ships sailing along the Thea Foss Waterway and into Commencement Bay.