12 ounce bottle. An interesting ale. The pour was beautiful. The color was an orange-tinged gold with a thick, frothy white head. Unfortunately, the head quickly dissipated and the ale left no lacing whatsoever.
I initially thought the aroma was what I would classify as "the classic beer smell." I gave it a few more whiffs here and there and believe it to be more complex than that. The two main aromas are orange-citrus and yeasty-pretzel, with a hint of licorice. There may also be a slight metallic scent hidden in the background, but, if so, it is extremely minor.
The flavor starts out with a strong hop "bite" that mellows to a finish that simply disappears. The main flavors I taste are hoppy, bitter, citrus, pretzel, malty, hint of licorice. The palate is average.
All in all this is pretty good. It was good with dinner, but even better when mowing the lawn in direct sun. This ale helped keep that lawnmower moving.
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