Sorry baby Jesus, but it was a Bullshit Christmas. And then some.
Today is Day 23/7. Twenty-three days since I broke my left humerus on the afternoon of Christmas Eve. Seven days since I had a 28 centimeter metal rod inserted into my bone to stabilize the arm.
Originally, we decided to immobilize the arm with splint and sling. Upon the recheck twelve days later, however, it was discovered that the arm was healing crooked and I probably would lose some movement in it. I couldn't live with that, so surgery it was! That way I get closer to full recovery, although it also meant starting the clock over on healing.
So it's been days of pain and nerve burn. It's been days of meds, ice, rest. It's been days of boredom and lack of focus. Hopefully, it all adds up to a fully functional left arm in a few months, which will include weeks of no weight bearing on the arm and physical therapy. Here's to healing!