Turning these...
...into these.
6,440 ABS plastic spikes on my new Shakti Accupressure Mat become indentations that bring relief and release from pain.
The past few days have been a challenge for my body.
First, I accidentally struck my shin with the mine (back of the blade) of my sword on a full swing. I definitely bruised the skin and tissue, because it was purple and swelling almost instantly. I also apparently bruised the bone. Definitely a good amount of pain. So: ice, elevation, and naproxen, and an attempt at sleep.
Second, a day later and it felt as though my body rolled back fifteen years in time, but that wasn't a good thing. I was unable to walk. Following lines of nerve pain, they point back to my problematic lumbar disc, but also to one of my cranial discs too. (Ugh!) So it was back to using braces and my cane. And making sure I move through this with qigong exercises, because I still can.
(I'm not quite ready yet (again) for the bullshit that doctors will provide as they try to diagnose me without listening to my decade-and-a-half of body knowledge and experience.)
Third, I realized that much of the inflammation in my body contributing to my bulging disc and its attendant nervous system problems is likely due to seasonal allergies. Yes, there is an underlying condition but it is gravely aggravated by the allergic response.
Therefore, I ordered a Shakti Mat. Of all the things I had tried over the years, accupressure (and accupuncture) was the only one that I had avoided. I changed that and I'm glad I did.
My mat arrived the next day. After work, I laid down on it and was able to stay on it for 20 minutes. Instead of feeling much pain and/or discomfort from the mat, I felt good. Symptoms were greatly diminished. A few hours later, I thought I would try it for another 20-minute session. I got onto the mat and when I woke up I realized 40 minutes had passed. I had told The Wife that I didn't understand how someone would be able to sleep on this "bed of nails" as I had read in a number of reviews and yet here I was.
I ordered the mat with much skepticism, but figured I would give it a chance. It transformed pain into calm and quiet. I'm a believer!