Troy's Work Table needs your help!
The last TWT year-long reading project was "Cutting In." It revolved around the work of Herman Melville, and specifically Moby-Dick.
This year's reading project is "Wild Rumors of Reality." I built it with The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick, edited by Pamela Jackson and Jonathan Lethem, as its foundational text.
Then, I began to read or re-read Philip K. Dick novels mentioned or referenced in The Exegesis. A few other non-PKD novels started to revolve around The Exegesis, although they seem to fit with what I have noted as themes of interest to me.
Below is a list of books in various stages of being read, some completed, as well as a couple of related films. I also have a few books to seek out.
But I need your help, dear reader. I am looking for works a poet (or poets) whose work fits into the "Wild Rumors of Reality" reading project. I need your suggestions and recommendations.
Possible themes of poetry (and of "Wild Rumors"):
-Alternate reality/realities
-Alternate timeline/history
-Science fiction or surrealism
-Religious overtones
And to a lesser extent, although it seems rather foundational to PKD's work:
-Gnosticism (specifically that of a Christian flavor)
-Tension between/amidst "orthodox" or "heterodox" Christianity and Gnostic Christianity
Novels currently included in the "Wild Rumors of Reality" reading project:
-The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick by Philip K. Dick
-VALIS by Philip K. Dick
-Ubik by Philip K. Dick
-The Divine Invasion by Philip K. Dick
-1Q84 by Haruki Murakami
-These Dreams of You by Steve Erickson
Non-fiction or short fiction currently included in the "Wild Rumors of Reality" reading project:
-What If Our World Is Their Heaven?: The Final Conversations of Philip K. Dick edited by Gwen Lee and Doris Elaine Sauter
-Counterfeit Worlds: Philip K. Dick on Film by Brian J. Robb
-Selected Stories of Philip K. Dick by Philip K. Dick
Films currently included in the "Wild Rumors of Reality" reading project:
-A Scanner Darkly by Richard Linklater
-Minority Report by Steven Spielberg
-Blade Runner by Ridley Scott
-The Adjustment Bureau by George Nolfi
If you would, then please review the above themes and works, and leave recommendations of the work of a contemporary poet (or poets) who dabbles in or tackles these same issues (in comments about this post).