Friday, April 27, 2012



Poem In Your Pocket Day wasn't a complete bust for TWT.

The Child carried a copy of "Three Field Poems" around all day and has prominently displayed it upon The Child's headboard.

The Child gave a copies to two teachers at The Child's school.  Both teachers were disappointed that they didn't know about Poem in Your Pocket Day and planned on observing it next year.

Troy's Work Table was able to hand out poems to people throughout the day, mostly to friends and acquaintances.  It counts!

Troy's Work Table built a small display stand out of card stock and left FREE POETRY in Frost Park while he chalked today.  A few fellow chalkers took copies.  One wrote "I was also pretty impressed by this citizen-initiative FREE POETRY kiosk" and "Let's see more of this kind of thing!"

All of the above made Poem In Your Pocket Day (and the day after) worth it.

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