Saturday, September 18, 2010


Today was a true Troy's Work Table day. All of the major categories were included: books, art, beer, and wanderings.


Oktoberfest Lager, an Oktoberfest/Märzen by Bayern Brewing.

12 ounce bottle, served in a mug.

This Oktoberfest offering pours like a mug of root beer,—with a brown body; a light brown, sand-colored head; and some large bubbles of carbonation. The carbonation quickly settles down and the head dissipates, leaving behind the aromas of malt and autumn leaves.

I may even detect a hint of root beer, although that is likely due to association from its visual display.

The primary flavors are malt, leaves, earthiness, and beef broth. Secondary flavors are a hint of bitter chocolate and molasses lurking in the background. The broth flavor is what attracts me to the Oktoberfest and Märzen lagers, and it is done very well here.

This isn't as sweet as Boulevard Brewing's Bob's '47 Oktoberfest, but definitely another great Oktoberfest experience. The bonus is that I am enjoying it on the official opening day of Munich, Germany's Oktoberfest 2010 from which it derives its name.

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