Monday, May 17, 2010


TWT and another member of Les sardines spent the evening at An Evening of Paper, an art celebration of the literary, the musical, the performance, as well as a celebration of handmade books, zines, and journals, hosted by the ever wonderful Pilot Books. We read our own poems in the midst of a series of other readings and performances.

It was held in The Chapel of The Good Shepherd Center in Wallingford.

Sunlight through stained glass at 7:00 p.m.

Refreshments of tea and oranges.

Literature from independent presses and authors was available for sale.

Foreground: four cassette tape players that when played simultaneously made some interesting soundscapes and juxtapositions. Middle ground: this upright bass player made some incredible noises with his instrument—feedback as though from an electric guitar and amp, squeaks and squeals, extended moans, the fluttering of wings. Background: audience members and more tables of books and literary journals and ephemera.

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