Sunday, April 25, 2010


Read Write Poem NaPoWriMo Prompt #25 - First Things First



Trouble comes running in the smoke of clove cigarettes,
a flurry of pejorative phrases, insults, verbal games,
practice and perfection of giving the finger—

we are young gods, posing for one another.

Worry comes running in the wrong clothes chosen,
an overabundance of mismatched plaid shirts,
Converse unblemished with duct tape or permanent marker scribblings—

we are young cocks, preening and strutting.


All is facade:
well-told lies.

Neither are we
trouble nor worry—

we are old men, giving the perfected finger
to the chicken gods of yesteryear
dressed in their flannel finery,
faded rags now fit for washing windows.


When I read the prompt, I was listening to Spoon's "Trouble Comes Running" from the Transference album. It happened to be during the chorus.


Kimberlee said...

Love it! I get that whole Outsiders feel. :D Can't wait to read along and see what you did with the rest of the prompts.

troysworktable said...

The nostalgia machine roars for a few moments!