Saturday, April 17, 2010


Read Write Poem NaPoWriMo Prompt #17 - Something Elemental



The map is unfurled,
revealing the cartographer's mad scribblings:

four corners of the world
form a square of concern and exploration.

A point is selected,
the compass and quadrant commence their work

whereupon new sketches
are birthed, new routes are calculated.

Melancholia advertises for partnership:
cold & dry seeks warm & moist to complement,

the arctic seeks equatorial
climes for conquest and consumption.

Black bile searches the sea
for the warm blubber and blood of toothed whales,

earth hopes to reconnect
with the spark of fire hidden in rubbery layers:

oil belches forth
its flame of luminescence and sustenance

while veins and arteries
flood the flensing table and then the briny waters.

We sail onward
the wind quick in our sails, pushing us along paths

and planes predetermined,
as summer is to winter and in-between.


The four elements and then some—other "fours" of creation and mystery.

1 comment:

one more believer said...

yes, it is a wonderful mystery you have unveiled here... the imagination of a point being birthed and traveling the seas to arrive... along with the conquest of whales... magic... sirocco