Thursday, April 01, 2010


Read Write Poem NaPoWriMo Prompt #1 - Shuffle A Poem



I was trapped for six days at the bottom of the ocean, in a box of fresh water, shaped into its cubic form by the briny fathoms of tropical sea that surrounded it, that exerted pressure to maintain this form, myself safe in an airy womb at its very center, a stomach of oxygenated atmosphere. Here I lived, if you dare to name it such, doubling Jonah’s time in the belly of his God-given fish. I spent a week of creation, minus the day of rest and relaxation tacked onto the end, lasting six days, enduring, when Jonah lasted a mere three.

At night, the stars of the lid were hazy, indistinct orbs of light, diffused and beautiful. They colored the jellies that danced through the water. I spoke to them. Baby, come close, I called. They responded by drawing near, realizing me to be a minor threat, until they encountered the fresh water and its lack of salt and buoyancy. They recoiled, danced away, while I called out, Hello, walls, and poked my finger into the wet membrane.


I don't own an mp3 player. I still listen to music on CDs. I still own vinyl albums. Therefore, I went to Music Randomizer and had it select five songs for me. These are the songs I received from the MR gods:

[1] "Six Days at the Bottom of the Ocean" by Explosions in the Sky.

[2] "Stars of the Lid" (It wasn't clear if this was the title or the artist.)

[3] "Baby, Come Close" by Smokey Robinson.

[4] "Minor Threat" by Minor Threat.

[5] "Hello Walls" by Faron Young.

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