Tuesday, July 28, 2009


The child and I listened to the rhetoric of our politicians and public health officials and visited our local library this evening. We used it as a recommended "cooling center" and a way to escape the 99ºF heat of outdoors, the 90ºF of the house, and the 82ºF heat of the basement for a few hours.


The child played on the computer in the children's section of the library and looked at books. Troy's Work Table read articles in the Sunday 12 July 2009 issue of The New York Times Sunday Magazine; browsed music CDs in the rock and hard rock categories; looked through the new fiction and non-fiction releases; read the first couple of pages of Marcel Proust's À la recherche du temps perdu, volume 1: Swann's Way; and selected a few magazines to check out—Harper's, The New Yorker, ARTnews.


TWT also picked up some of the materials to participate in the library's adult summer reading program, Master the Art of Reading. That got him to thinking about how lazy he has been about reviewing the books he has been reading, even if they are "short reports." He isn't making any promises, but will try to be better about posting book reviews to Troy's Work Table once again.


Now it's off to read some more in Roberto Bolaño's 2666...

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